How To Assign PisoFi License

A brief guide on how to assign PisoFi license to a registered device

Posted by pisofiph_official on 2022-02-16 23:12:00
NOTE: This guide considers that you've already registered your device on your PisoFi account.
License and device must be registered on the same account. 

Below are the steps on assigning a license to a device. 

  1. Once device is registered on your Pisofi account, click the device id of the device that you want to assign the license to.

    This can also be done by clicking the assign license button on the device admin panel.

  2. Once on the device details page, you can choose to assign a license or request a trial license. 

  3. When the assign license button is clicked, a license picker will pop up and you can select from your available license/s.
    Just select a license and click the ok button.
    Select the correct license type for your Pisofi version. 
    Lite license is only for Lite Pisofi image.
    Standard license will work for both.

  4.  Once confirmed, license information will show below information.

    For a device with assigned license.

    For a device that has been assigned with a trial license.

  5. You can go back to your device admin panel and confirm the license assignment. 
    By reloading the Device tab on your device's admin panel. Display should be the same as below.