Device Transfer of Ownership

How to transfer your device ownership to your buyer or new vendo owner

Posted by pisofiph_official on 2020-05-22 00:00:00

Note: In transferring your device ownership, the following conditions may apply:

  • If the device doesn't have a license it will be transferred as it is.
  • If the device has a license during ownership transfer, the license will be included on the ownership transfer.
  • Ownership transfer is not applicable for the license only it should be bound or assigned on a device.



  • Login to your account and navigate to the Devices tab, look for the device you wish to transfer and click device ID.



  • On the device management page, click the Transfer button.


  • A pop-up dialog will show and type the recipient email address and click the Transfer button.


  • A confirmation message will show that the ownership transfer request has been successful


  • This should generate some information on the ownership transfer area which has some option to resend the confirmation or to cancel 



  • A confirmation email will be sent to the recipient. 



  • Or can be also seen from the new Pisofi dashboard.


  • Clicking the confirm button and the More link will open the same page on the recipient account.
    Which can be navigated directly by navigating to Devices>>Ownerhip Transfers.



  • Click the three dots on the action column, then click the confirm button.


  • The transfer is complete and the recipient account should now be able to see the transferred device on his/her account devices list.